Customers can easily get the trike bike parts order status in many different ways. The most convenient way is to contact us. We have established an after-sales service department totaling several professionals. They are all fast-responsive and patient enough to provide customers with logistics tracking service. Once there are updates about the goods delivery, they can notify you in a timely manner. Or, we will provide the tracking number for customers after we deliver the goods. It's also a recommended way for you to follow the order status.
Mainbon Group Company Limited. has developed into a global company focused on motorized trike parts. The
electric tricycle bike series is one of the main products of Mainbon. Mainbon new power scooter is scrutinized by the QC team after completed. The appearance inspection, including stains, cracks, deformation, electrolyte leakage, or any other flaws that may affect the battery performance will be taken into inspection. The product is highly tolerated to chemicals. It is not susceptible to acid and alkali, grease and oil, as well as some cleaning solvents.
Practice sustainable development plan is how we fulfill our social responsibility. We have formulated and executed many plans to reduce carbon footprints and pollution to the environment. Get an offer!